Monday, September 3, 2007


I know that it has been a long time since I have blogged about my not so exciting I'll try to catch you up!

Let me start by saying thanks to my wonderful sister,
Tami, and my good friend Pamela Anderson, for the blog award. I'm sure that all of you were just as surprised as I was! Tami and Pam - I promise that I will TRY to do better in the future!

I looked at the last thing that I posted and it was on June here is a brief synopsis of what has happened.

June -

23 - 30 - Still looking for the wallet wacko. They created awesome motorcycle checks with one of those check deals that you get in the mail. They used an Omni America Bank address and a bogus account number with Trey's name, our address, and our phone number. So far, we have been turned into collections 3 times. Most of the transactions are $1500 checks to Staples. I talked to Staples about their return policy - you guessed it - CASH back with a receipt.

23 - Blake turned 11. We went to Mountasia with a few fun friends. They seemed to have a great time! I guess this is what you get when you tell them to smile pretty for the picture :)

July -

10 - We went "camping" with the Nanny gang at each other's houses (since it was raining).

Yes, Mary IS painting Blake's toe that a problem???

14- Brady and my Dad, built an awesome club house in the backyard. My mom and dad are such wonderful grandparents! They like to spend time with each of their grandkids, making projects that will teach them skills.

28- Tami finally turned 30. I think we have ALL been waiting for her to turn 30. I would have posted a real nice picture of her, but I don't think she would approve.

August -

We have decided to sell our white 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan. It has rear air, captain's chairs in the middle row, good tires, and new brakes. We are trying to get $5,900 for it (minimum $5,500). If you know of know of anyone who needs a minivan, have them give us a call. We are even offering an internet special - anyone who sells our van can have whatever they get over $5,500 - that means if you sell it for $6,000, you make $500!

Who wouldn't want this SWEET ride?

12-Trauma happened at our house that sent us to Cook's downtown.

Picture this...It's 10:57 on a Saturday night. Brady is jumping on my bed - which, of course, is strictly forbidden unless I'm doing it too. Blake goes into our guest bathroom so that he can get a good running start and yells, "Brady
watch this!!". (He was going to join Brady in the forbidden jump) Brooke comes out of my garage and is running full force to her bedroom. In an unfortunate matter of timing, Blake and Brooke collide at the blind intersection in the hall, sending Brooke flying into the corner. Brooke gets up and runs to her room screaming and Blake immediately starts telling her how sorry he is. Of course, I am in the kitchen and only HEAR the hallway happenings. I assume that Blake has hit his sister - since I just heard "Brady watch this", immediately followed by a scream. (I typically hear these words every 15 minutes or so) Four staples in the head later and Brooke is a fashion diva from Flashdance...

18 -
Power Zone Prayer Adventure. Hopefully, by the time you click on this link, I will have the blog updated :)

27 - Back to school!

Brooke is in 1st grade, Brady is in 3rd grade, and Blake is in 6th grade. Can you believe I have a middle school kid?

This is Brady in Mr. Hrabal's class...right before he kicked me out.

Brooke in Mrs. Shawn's class. All three of my kids have had her as their 1st grade teacher :) Tanner is sitting across from her. He has healed nicely since my last post!!

Now, all of you are caught up on my summer haps!! Sorry this is so long... I promise to try to be a better blogger and actually earn my awards.


TriSara said...

I knew you were holding out on us. You make us wait and beg and wait and beg. Thanks for blogging. I had no idea about Brooke! Ouch! But I love the headband.

Laurie said...

Sounds like you had quite an eventful summer! I am already thinking about who I might know that wants to buy a very nice minivan for the very reasonable price of $8,000.00. Just kidding!! I do know someone who might be interested though. I will give them a call. I am glad to see you blogging again!!

Tami said...

I am glad you finally blogged. You said it was forever long and it wasn't. The type is just big! Glad you didn't post a bad picture of me!

Jenna said...

I love reading your posts because you have such a great sense of humor and a funny way of telling things. Sorry about the wallet mess - so frustrating since it never seems to end. So sorry about Brooke - but she does look stylish.

Can't wait to read your next post!!

tamandscott said...

Great update! Your parents are such great grandparents!! Is that a loser sign your dad is doing? Glad you're back!!

Jennifer said...

Good update. You guys had an eventful summer!! Your kids are getting so big.

PB said...

Tonya - Come out of your blog coma. The days are passing and still no blog. Show us some cute Halloween pictures of you and Trey. If you don't I'll show one of you and your crooked....just kidding I wouldn't do that.