(Jenna - if you look closely, you can see my tile.)
Brooke graduated from Kindergarten, Brady finished 2nd grade, and Blake is done with 5th grade. All three kids had all A's on their report cards! The hardest part of the day was watching all of the kids in the school clap out the 5th graders. The 5th graders walked through the halls for the last time while the rest of the kids in the school lined the halls and clapped for them. Talk about bawling like a baby. I thought I would never have enough kleenexes for Trey. My baby is going to middle school. How am I ever going to remember how to do the middle school homework?
When we were on the way to school, Trey realized that he was missing his wallet. We figured that it was probably at home in one of the many piles that we threw into our room while we were franticly house cleaning for the breakfast. I went to work for an hour and he stuck around and looked for it before he went to work, he didn't find it so we decided to continue looking after school was out at 12:00.
When we got home, we had a message from our Visa company...there were fradulent charges on our Visa card! Yep - someone stole his wallet. Don't worry - they didn't just get our Visa, they got his ATM card, social security card, a voided check, $2 (we are rich), and a small bonus check from his employer. We spent hours trying cancel accounts and stop any other charging that they were doing. We also had fun entertaining the police and standing in the DMV line for a new license.
At about 1:00 while we were on the phone trying to clean everything up, every kid in our neighboorhood was on our trampoline. Apparently, one of our neighbors pushed Blake and he landed on our 6 year old neighbor, Tanner. Poor Tanner now has a green cast and an arm that was broken in two places. He had to take a trip downtown to Cooks to be sedated so that they could re-assemble his arm in order to cast it. We have never felt to bad!
Luckily, things started to turn back around...
On Friday night, our church hosted around 1,000 - 1,200 Fossil Creek Little League players and parents for our annual closing ceremonies. It was so exciting to see the church at more than full capacity! We decided it would be a great way to get the Heritage community in our doors.
My proud mom moment was when Blake received an award for being the only pitcher in the minors to pitch a "no hitter". We found out later that he was the only pitcher in FCLL history to ever pitch a no hitter at the minor level (9 and 10 year olds). I taught him everything I know! Congrats to Blake, Brady, Braden, and all of the rest of our mighty Pirates!
Hopefully, my next best day ever won't have any bad moments mixed in!!
Holy moley! Now THAT'S an action-packed first "real" post!
What a crazy day! Glad you had the good moments to offset the bad.
All of those things happening on different days would be a little easier to deal with but when they happen all together they are so much harder to deal with. Good thing you have a sense of humor!
LOVE the tile! I can't wait to see it in person!
Man, I cannot believe Kori would steal Trey's wallet. She should be fired. That bites it.
Yikes, when it rains it pours! Sorry to hear about all that.
The tile looks really good!
I will give you back Trey's wallet as soon as I finish buying new decor for my house.
Sorry you had such a bad day!
You love me so much that you put my link on there twice.
So did you just start blogging, too? I decided that all of the funny stuff my kids do needs to be preserved. Your life has always amazed me. You are so incredibly busy and strangely sane in the midst of it all. I noticed from your pic of the breakfast that you have new floors...exciting! My carpet still needs more stains before Pete would ever agree to that. I hope we can see you guys this summer. We are busy, too, but there is always room for a cousin party somewhere!
- sara
Ok just so you know I did read this. That's great for your first real blog. Now where's the rest?
okay Tonya. We are all ready for another good story. You should have at least ten more by now.
Update already. School's been out a month. :)
Please...we can't keep reliving your worst day over and over. The movie, Groundhog Day, comes to mind.
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