I knew this would happen...you are PRESSURED into starting a blog, you make it so incredibly interesting :), then you are EXPECTED to keep it up. I don't know if I can deal with it.
Here is an update on my haps -
We still don't know who the thief is. There has been absolutely NO new developments.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to my wonderful GMF's house. She has the very best house I have ever seen. It is so great that I have decided to take pictures of it and put them here. I'm sure that Tami, Sara, and Mistee agree that GMF and her house are very special!
This is my TOTALLY CUTE Grandma Freda.

Here is her guest bedroom...It has postcards and notes on the mirror that her family and friends have sent to her through the years. If you look really closely, you can see the Disney postcard. I gave her that years ago. She saves everything! Also, obviously, Trey still doesn't do well with wallets.
I know this is blurry...but the cousins and I were discussing what we think of when we think of GMF's house. I love the rainbow fish in front of the clock (that has loud bongs). Those fish have been swimming there for at least 30 years - probably more.
Here is her living room. She keeps the card table up so that we can have a game of Rummy-Q. She's got a couple of those macramae things (I don't even know how to spell it) that Sara's dad made. Sara - too bad I don't have a picture of skinny cat!!
Here she is in the kitchen. She makes the best breakfasts EVER in this kitchen. Her mash potatoes are the best in the world. Didn't I tell you how cute she is????
I can talk about GMF all day long...
As far as other stuff that has happened, you can read about our PZ Six Flags trip on Pamela Anderson's blog or See_Dub's. You sure can't read about it on the PZ blog, because I'm even slower at updating that one! (yak, yak, yak)
I am part of the "Heavenly Bodies" club at church. I have done pretty good so far - minus the big 11 point piece of fried chicken that I ate and regreted right off the bat. Never fear - I'm still in the lead :)
Signing off until next month...