A couple of weeks ago, I was driving home from baseball practice in Saginaw. I was on McElroy, which is very dark at night. I stopped at the stop light of Blue Mound Rd and McElroy and waited for the light to turn green. Trey wasn't with me, just me and the kids, talking about school and baseball. While we were waiting for the light to turn green, we felt a not so friendly bump from behind. Since we were in our "newer" used van that only has bike handle bar scratches up and down the sides, I was pretty mad. I got out of the van and went to the car behind me and told the other driver to follow me across the intersection to the gas station. When I got out to talk to the driver at the gas station, you will NEVER guess who it was...
See, I told you that you wouldn't believe it!! She rear-ended me! Of course, I haven't talked to her since the alleged incident. The cops "told" me that they would take care of it. The damage to the van is hardly noticeable. We made minor chit-chat about it - then I let her have it. Now, I know that she might not have taken the wallet, but I'm 90% sure that she did. She denied it, of course, but didn't seem shocked that I had her police record sitting on my desk and could rattle it off to her. I tried to keep my cool and change my approach - I told her that if she didn't do it, then she needs to help me find who did. I also told her about how hurtful it is for a wallet to have your wallet stolen and what a nightmare it is to change everything. I even told her about how my kids were scared to go home for a few days because they thought that who ever did it would come after them. I tried to play on her "motherly" emotions. She said that there are 3 things that she doesn't do...lie, steal, and steal someone else's man. :)
Since the damage wasn't very bad, we let her off the hook. I have a feeling that God gave me a chance to get my point across and give me a little bit of closure. It is very hard to see someone at least once a week when you think they have stolen from you. I have a feeling she won't be messing with us anymore. Maybe the next time I see her, I can have part 2 of the conversation with her. I really would like to talk to her about God, and hopefully, our little van incident can start that conversation.
Now - for my pride and joy...
Our Heritage team won 1st place overall. They were AWESOME. I'm so proud of everyone!!
Finally, Tami and others tagged me...
1. Who is your man? Trey
2. How long have you been married? A bizzillion years or 14 years.
3. How long did you date? 3 years
4. How old is your man? 35
5. Who eats more? We both eat the same amount...looks better on someone who is 6'3".
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did
7. Who is taller? Me...if I'm standing on top of the kitchen table.
8. Who sings better? Tami
9. Who is smarter? Me
10. Whose temper is worse? Me
11. Who does the laundry? Trey. He got tired of me not doing it, so he took it over totally :)
12. Who takes out the trash? Brady
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Trey
14. Who pays the bills? Me
15. Who is better on the computer? Me
16. Who mows the lawn? Trey
17. Who cooks dinner? Ronald...just kidding...me
18. Who drives when you are together? Trey
19. Who pays when you go out? We usually have to wash dishes.
20. Who is more stubborn? me
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me
22. Whose families do you see most? Mine
23. Who kissed who first? Trey kissed me
24. Who asked who out first? It was a mutual asking
25. Who proposed? Trey
26. Who is more sensitive? Me
27. Who has more friends? Both are the same
28. Who has more siblings? Same
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Me
30. Who is the biggest pushover with the kids? Trey
Sorry so long!!